The third stop of the 5C Project was between 23rd and 26th of August in Cetate (Romania). Cetate is a village on the Danube at the borders of Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia. Up to WW1 was a harbour for exporting grain that has been recently turned by Poetry Foundation Mircea Dinescu into a cultural port that hosts Divan Film Festival. This festival does not have a competition but is dedicated to Balkan cinema and cuisine. Every year it has a theme which becomes a criterion for selecting the films and also the topic of the international conference dedicated to Balkan cinema that the festival hosts.
At its seventh edition Divan Film Festival hosted the 5C Project. Marian Țuțui was the host as artistic director of the festival and member of the 5C Project team while the 5C Project guests were Özge Özdüzen, Mariana Hristova, Galina Maksimović, Rhiannon Wain, Andrei Șendrea, Mika Tourkaki, Agron Domi, Lydia Papadimitriou, Dana Duma and Aleksandra Milovanović.
The 5C young critics Özge Özdüzen, Mariana Hristova, Galina Maksimović, Rhiannon Wain and Andrei Șendrea participated on 24th and 25th of August at the conference “Urban Landscapes in the Balkans” with their papers that will be published next year in a bilingual Romanian – English volume including all the papers presented at the conference. Beside them have also presented papers Lydia Papadimitriou (UK), Wang Yao (China), Aleksandra Milovanović (Serbia), as well as Magda Mihăilescu, Marilena Ilieșiu, Dana Duma and Marian Țuțui (Romania).
Also on 24th and 25th of August, but in the afternoon, two masterclasses were held on the same location, the attic of the mansion. On the 24th of August, Dana Duma, professor at UNATC and well-known film critic, launched a discussion on “Film Criticism: The Digital Age”. Thus the audience and the 5C young critics were able to learn about the educational role of prestigious magazines such as Cahiers du cinema and about current trends of online publications.

The next day Aleksandra Milovanović, assistant professor at the Department of Theory and History of Cinema, FDA, Belgrade, presented “IN/OUT side the Editing Room: Creative Process of Editing in Feature and Documentary Films”. It was an interesting lesson on editing ended with a Q & A session.
The participants of 5C Project could also watch films dozens of Balkans short films, as well as long features ones such as The Parade (2011, directed by Srdjan Dragojević), Marilena from P7 (2006, directed by Cristian Nemescu), Bucharest Non-Stop (2015, directed by Dan Chișu) and Death in Sarajevo (2016, directed by Danis Tanović).

On the 26th of August the 5C Project participants left by minivan for “Belgrade Film(E)scape” on the invitation of Nevena Dakovic, professor at FDA.